
Soul Petals Funeral Arrangement


Express your most sincere condolences by sending this beautiful Soul Petals Funeral Arrangement with vase of

  • 24 white roses
  • Green Foliage

It is an ideal detail to send to the residence of relatives.

Tarjeta Personalizada


Express your most sincere condolences by sending this beautiful Soul Petals Funeral Arrangement of 24 white roses decorated with green foliage.

The elements that make up the floral design such as bases, decorations, boxes, wines, chocolates, balloons, stuffed animals, flowers, fruits and colors may differ from the reference image, and these are subject to any changes required according to the availability, however we do our best to please our customers even in the smallest details.

Additional information

Dimensions 25 × 50 cm


  1. Lina Oviedo
    Estoy muy complacida con el servicio, realice mi solicitud por la pĂĄgina web, fue muy ĂĄgil y la calidad excelente. Lo recomiendo

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